Maximize Your ROI and Thought Leadership with Custom Video Content

Extend your investment at CPHI Milan with custom video content that strengthens your brand engagement post show with editorialized videos by Pharmaceutical Technology®. Our custom video program gives you the opportunity to capture content that is tailored to your brand’s narrative, featuring your experts as industry thought leaders. Don’t miss this opportunity to leave a lasting impression and amplify your presence in the industry.

Post Show Promotion


Upon completion post promotion, Pharmaceutical Technology will provide an edited MP4 file for client usage

Web Hosting

4 – 6 minute edited video that will be hosted on


• Video promoted to Pharm Tech community via dedicated eBlasts, social media posts, and eNewsletter text ads

Check Out These Featured Videos

Hayley Crowe,  Executive VP & GM, Ecolab Global Life Sciences

Dominic Warrino, Senior Director Scientific Services and
Dawn Dufield, Scientific Officer, KCAS Bioanalytical & Biomarker Services

Josh Hirshenhorn, Sales Representative, Rees Scientific

Benedikt von Braunmühl , Chief Executive Officer Rentschler Biopharma SE and
Federico Pollano, Senior Vice President Business Development, Rentschler Biopharma SE

Why Pharmaceutical Technology ®?

Pharmaceutical Technology provides thought leadership and influence in the bio/pharmaceutical market by reaching key decision makers in the industry.

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